wow I can't believe I got on your forum..What a pleasure
I have done around 25 liver flushes,( I was having gallbladder pain due to stones)
and things were going fine. My health improved tremedously. the last 3 flushes I got extreme Virtigo that lasted for 3 day's and to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed. I should add that all 3 times were around 4 day's after flushing.
I haven't flushed for 6 months my health still is good but I would like to continue flushing. Can you give me any insight of why this might have happened. I am afraid to do another flush for fear of the Virtigo. By the way I did go to a doctor and had test done and things are fine.
another question I have is what can I do to remove moles..I have 2 on my face that I would like to naturally remove..any ideas
Thank you in advance and it is a pleasure being able to get on forum..