Hello Andreas,
I'm curious to know how many stones in general people have before they start flushing. I realize that everyone is different and there are many factors that make a difference here. But I'm still curious to know what an average starting point is.
I'm also curious to what remedies you may know of, in addition to liver flushing,get rid of cellulite.
When the liver is finally stone free, in your experience, do the vertical lines on the forehead go away (please say yes :) ? These lines have not been here long. I was poisoned and they have shown up within the last 6 months. They are not deep.
I have always had lines right above my eyebrows, running perpendicular to the brow, towards the outside of the brow. Do you know what these mean?
Do you have any experience using Dr. Kelley's method of flushing, eating heavy whipping cream with fruit a few hours before drinking the olive oil/grapefruit? This would seem to be the opposite of what would work, but I've heard people have had success with it. Your opinion or experience with this would be appreciated!