Dear Lori,
I actually just answered an e-mail question of someone who also felt and feels very distressed at this time. She wqanted to post it here, but couldn't get through. Here is the answer I sent to her. I was also given a channeled message to forward to my mailing list, which might be shed some insights into what is happening right now.
"Actually, you are not the only person feeling the way you do, there are over a hundred or so I personally know of who have contacted me recently. What you are going through is not an indication that there is something wrong with you. We have told people years ago that this period was going to come, had to come, where we would be shaken to the core of our existence. In some, this may happen predominantly in the physical (disasters, disease, etc.) and in others it is may occur more in the psychological/emotional area, or a combination of both.
Don't try to find a thread or timeline or an external reason for what you are going through, for there is none, at least not one of much significance. We are dying while living, which means that what we so far believed to be our life is being challenged, undermined and dismantled. We are being stripped of everything that we thought we needed to live, if fear was behind it. Fear of illness, fear of poverty, fear of failure, fear of mistakes, fear of not being good enough, fear of losing control, fear of anything and anyone, all these and more are being shown to us by taking us through everything we have been afraid of in the past, everything that we have resisted, and everything we have judged.
This is not to be mistaken as a form of punishment, but as a blessing, a gift of the angels. You are blessed with the release of the heavy burden of poor self worth. Re-experiencing everything that is old and no longer of real value to you is to die with it. But it is only the death of the false idendity. What will shine forth when this is over is the true you who is not a victim of anything, but one who is not dependent on things that give temporary happiness, but long-term misery. You can accelerate this process of dying and being reborn by accepting your pain and seeing it as a birthing pain, instead of a dying pain. Whichever way you choose, the net result will be same. You will find yourself in all this. The process becomes more comfortable, if you accept whatever happens to you as a great blessing, instead of what it is not. It is not something that is harming you, it not something that is against you. Your higher self in instigating it all, in your own best interest.
One thing that you will learn from all this is that nobody is responsible for your pain or suffering, except the interpretation by the ego self that there is something wrong with you. You will learn that your higher self was putting obstacles in your way so that you would develop the qualities of courage, strength, love, confidence, wisdom, etc. to the fullest possible, and that you never were a victim of any sort, even if it may have felt that way.
Most sensitive and spiritual humans find this time extremlely challenging, and the world events reflect the chaos we are passing through. The earth is regenrating itself, and this releases discordant energies that pass through us and around us. It may get stronger, but our ability to handle those energies will also begin to become stronger. From what I can see, you have been making big progress. Progress happens in waves, and waves consist of an upside and a downside. Life is about being fine with either part of the wave. Some people enjoy riding on top of the wave, but currently many people on earth are being challenged to function with the downside of the wave. The Tsunami wave is symbolic for what it happening in the rest of the world. There comes a time when resisting and fighting has to come to an end. The time for it is now, individually and globally.
Mother Mary Channeling Through Valerie Donner, December 30, 2004
Greeting beloveds,
I am Mary the Mother of Peace. I greet you today with my open arms and
open heart for truly I feel your unrest and suffering on the part of
those who have departed your earthly plane. I hold you in my heart as
we all do for the massive events that just occurred. Please understand
this is all purposeful and be mindful of the importance of this event.
Much has been triggered as a result of this tragedy. Those who
departed did so because it was their time and to participate in the
awakening that is taking place. They sacrificed their physical
embodiments to help humanity awaken. This situation is a heart opener
for your planet. It tells those in charge that they are not really in
charge at all. It is a profound statement of who is in charge. It is
power beyond human power. It shows the need for restoration and
cleansing. It shows humanity that it is time to get out of the
preoccupation with Self and that they need to look outside of
themselves for the utmost good of all.
You, as Lightworkers, have received the message. You have taken it to
heart. Many others who are not as aware are also getting the wakeup
call. Still there are many who are afraid to feel the impact of what
the Earth has done and choose to remain locked in their own material
worlds. They are frozen in their patterns of behavior even though they
have been deeply impacted by this event.
As Lightworkers I am sure you are curious about those who have left.
This is always a question you think of when something of large
magnitude happens. In the past it might have been a smaller number from
a plane crash, war or other event. You wonder what we are doing here in
the Light Realms and how can we accommodate such a large number of
beings passing over to the Light.
First, there are many of us. We have been preparing for this so that
numerous angelic beings and other family members would greet every
person who left on the other side. Each person has been wrapped in the
arms of the Creator. I have visited each one and have embraced their
hearts for healing. Many left with other family members and this was
purposeful so they would go in mass. This was agreed to on the other
side prior to the event. All was done with planning and preparation in
agreement from each participant.
They felt this was a way they could serve the Earth and humanity. To
be a part of a large statement to all of life is a great gift. Please
know and understand that the departure of the physical embodiment in
such a manner is powerful and creates an upliftment for the soul
involved. This gift of being included in such a massive departure
amplifies the soul's evolution as well as that of humanity.
Please know that these precious beings are being loved and cared for
beyond measure. They are concerned about the family members left
behind. They are looking after them as we look after them. Many
miracles abound and you will see many more.
You can imagine what a shock it is to the physical body as well as the
mental, emotional and spiritual bodies when one is jolted out of their
physical embodiment en mass. They have not suffered but are being
buffered in love in peaceful surroundings. They are looking at the
Earth and their loved ones in utter dismay at what they experienced.
They are thankful to the Earth for assisting them in their evolution,
as the Earth is thankful for their assistance too. Some are disturbed
that their lives on Earth have been cut short for they thought they had
more life before them.
Now they see what life is all about, beloveds. They hope that you will
do likewise. They aspire that you will view life as a great gift and
that you will not take it for granted. They hope that you will not be
too attached to the material realm and all of the trials and
tribulations that you must go through in your earthly lives. They want
to remind you of the gifts of love and friendship and how that love is
eternal. They will love you forever unto eternity as you will love
them. They want humanity to learn to co-operate with each other to
assist those who are in dire need and who are suffering. They want you
to know that the Realms of Light are with them and to ask for
assistance. They want you to know how real we are and how ephemeral
life on Earth can be.
There is much for you to think about and to process. Evaluate your own
lives, beloveds. Look to those who have departed as teachers to you.
Open your hearts in prayer and generosity. Give your energy in anyway
that is possible to help your brothers and sisters in Asia. You all
know what you can do so please do what you can. Follow your hearts in
the oneness of life.
Many of you are aware of how I work with Mother Earth. We are a team.
Mother Earth's heart is wide open. She does not want to see any of her
children suffer. She is in deep gratitude to those who have departed.
She is so powerful, beloveds; she could cleanse herself entirely within
a matter of hours if she so chose. But that is not what she is doing.
She is giving you time to wake up to respect her and to find ways to
cleanse your own inner self as she proceeds with her own cleansing. She
is doing her cleansing in stages and will proceed with this process in
the most healing manner possible.
This is a time for quiet reflection and new direction. Please
participate in the perfection of all that is happening. Understand that
renewal is part of life. The Earth is a most generous and loving soul.
She has tolerated much disrespect and abuse. She nurtures and sustains
all of life. She has been patient and generous. She has been flagrantly
disregarded for long enough. It is her will that she advance into the
higher dimensions. This cleansing and restoration will facilitate her
process so that she and all who choose to remain on the Earth will be
able to make their own ascension.
For far too long mankind has believed that the Earth belonged to them.
They have parceled her up into their own portions. They have taken from
her without the thought of returning anything in kind; even gratitude
would have been appreciated. Thus, the Earth stands on her own as a
sovereign being deserving of respect. Her unknown powers to those who
currently reside upon her are about to be discovered. Previously they
have only been read about in books but not experienced.
Please join with me and all of the Realms of Light in loving those who
have made their transitions and in loving the Earth for the profound
soul that she is. We all walk with you and will carry you afloat. You
are living during amazing times. Have faith and know that this is all
part of the divine plan. As the plan unfolds you will find yourself in
your true place of being. You are being called into greater service,
beloved Lightworkers. It is time for you to take the limelight with the
Realms of Light. We will do this together.
I am Mary in divine loving service to the Earth and all of life.