Andreas Moritz
Dear S,
These two drugs are now often combined, and side effects can be serious, including anaemia, depression, pancreatitis, and intoxication. Plus there is reduction in intercellular activity which can give rise to a host of metabolic problems.
Liver biopsy also carries a major risk of injury. None of these approaches really do anything to the real problem, which is severe bile duct congestion with stones, and the consequences of such an occurence. Regular use of drugs, whether medicinal or recreational, causes stone formation in the bile ducts. One single dose of intravenous antibiotics typically produces about 30-50 pea-size stones. Once stones are present, more and more begin to occur in time, due to the existing blockages. Eventually, liver cells become damaged as enlarged bile ducts knick off blood vessels. Viruses can be picked up by anyone almost everywhere, that is not a problem. They are harmless and don't trigger an immune response that makes you feel ill as long as the body is free of congestion. Viral infections occur when damaged or weak cells begin to threaten the body's survival, by mutating into cancer cells. The viral infection involves an inflammatory response which prevents a much worse scenario than already exists. It should not be blamed for the disease. The disease consists of blockage in the blood vessels, lymph ducts, bile ducts, etc., long before viral infection can occur.
The pain under the rib cage relates to the liver. The liver spans the entire width of the the abdomen and touches the muscle of the diaphragm. When the liver swells and becomes enlarged it becomes more difficult to extend the diaphragm to the abdomen, which in turn affects breathing. Sometimes, during an inflmmatory response in liver, it makes you want to hold your breath altogether.
TO recover from this problem, the bile ducts need to be opened and the stones be released. Although it may not be the most comfortable ride, given the circumstances, there is not much out there in conventional medicine that even remotely deals with root cause of the problem.
You may also obtain The Key to Health and Rejuvenation, to correct some of the other imbalances related to your diet and lifestyle. The esophagal reflux indicates presence of issues with the large and small intestine that you may want to deal with by making some of the basic adjustments suggested in the book.