The following is an excerpt from my book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation ( the value of Pau D' Arco:
Lapacho (Pau d’ Arco)
An Amazing Incan Herbal Remedy
South American physicians are using a recipe derived from the ancient civilization of the Incas to successfully treat various forms of cancer – including leukemia and other life-threatening diseases. They use the inner bark of the Lapacho Colorado Tree, or Red Lapacho - called so because of its scarlet flowers. Also known as Pau d’Arco, Ipe Roxa and Taheebo, the red Lapacho tree grows in the warmer parts of South America: Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, etc. The tree apparently only grows where there is high ozone content in the air, with high concentrations of vital negative oxygen ions. It is virtually free of contaminants caused by pollutants such as pesticides or exhaust fumes.
The tree has vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers – pink, purple, or yellow, depending on the species. The Lapacho tree with the purple flowers has the most potency. The unusual thing about the flowers is that they are carnivorous and eat insects, protecting the tree against pests, parasites, viral infections, and fungal growth.
The power of the tree lies in the inner bark. It can be removed without damage, dried, from which an extract is obtained. The tree renews its bark and, therefore, serves as a continuous supply source. The active ingredient is known as Lapacho. The herbal remedy is valued for its ability to strengthen and balance the body’s immune system. With all the herbal cures and the treasures the Incas left us, there appears to be none as precious as Lapacho, which their descendants – the Callaway – are still using today.
Lapacho is commonly applied in the alternative treatment of cancer, AIDS, and Candida Albicans overgrowth and other fungal problems as well as many other diseases of the immune system. Moreover, Lapacho is highly valued for its ability to detoxify the body, particularly the liver, kidneys, and intestinal tract. It also helps babies cope with food allergies and intestinal cramps. Research in South America on Lapacho has shown it to help reduce counter-reactions to antibiotics and to allow other medicines to work more effectively by reducing the danger of toxic effects on the liver.
Lapacho can be used safely along with other medicines and even minimize their side effects. I personally have recommended it to hundreds and thousands of people, with very good results, especially for infections. Many medical doctors and dental surgeons now routinely prescribe Lapacho to their patients for infection instead of giving them antibiotics. This herb seems to work both at the causal and symptomatic level, which may explain the absence of side effects.
Medicine of The Highest Caliber
The following is a list of ailments that South American doctors found were helped by Lapacho:
• Anemia Tonic
• Asthma Ulcers
• Arteriosclerosis
• Blood builder
• Bronchitis
• Cancer
• Cystitis
• Diabetes
• Gastritis
• Hernias
• Infectious diseases
• Leukemia
• Liver ailments
• Osteomyelitis
• Psoriasis
• Pyorrhea
• Parkinson’s disease
• Ringworm
• Rheumatism
• Skin problems
• Varicose veins
• Venereal diseases
• Wounds
Further research showed that Lapacho is also helpful in colds, influenza, gonorrhea, polyps, prostate infection and enlargement, tuberculosis, growths, multiple sclerosis, typhus, dizziness, impotence, hair loss, boils, snake bites, food allergies, and chemical allergies. When applied topically, it can help against dandruff, eczema and skin cancer. Scientists believe that Lapacho may even have potential in the treatment of AIDS. Aveloz is a herbal remedy which when used in combination with Lapacho is capable of practically breaking down cancer cells while Lapacho itself addresses more the cause of the disease.
The fascinating revelation about the properties of Lapacho is that there has never been any record in medical research of an antibiotic chemical agent capable of destroying both bacteria and viruses. Any other known type of vegetation when exposed to water and the weather is eventually covered with spores that lead to the formation of fungus. This does not occur in the case of Lapacho, indicating an uncommon resistance. Following are the known properties of Lapacho:
• ANALGESIC - agent that diminishes pain without the loss of consciousness
• SEDATIVE - agent that alleviates nervousness, irritation and distress
• DECONGESTANT - agent that relieves congestion throughout the body
• DIURETIC - agent used to stimulate secretion and the flow of urine
• HYPOTENSIVE - powerful nervine relaxant that induces sleep when necessary
• VIRUCIDAL - agent capable of destroying a virus
The dramatic cures caused by Lapacho in Brazil were so astounding that the government of Brazil began to study and confirm its healing properties. Research at the University of Illinois, USA, supports the research in Brazil, and the claim that Lapacho does indeed contain a substance to be highly effective against cancers. Dr. Teodoro Meyer of the State University of Tucuman, Argentina, was the first researcher to discover an antibiotic substance, called Zyloiden, that he found is capable of killing viruses. Lapachol, the main ingredient of the herb, also was discovered to have powerful antitumoral action without toxic side effects. The antineoplastic activity was confirmed in 1968 when the use of Lapachol on rats carrying Yashida’s Sarcoma inhibited the growth of the tumors in 84 percent of the animals treated with high doses.
Professor Accorsi of Sao Paulo University also found Lapacho to be of excellent therapeutic value in the treatment of various forms of cancer including leukemia. A Japanese research group led by doctors from the National Cancer Center confirmed Professor Accorsi’s findings. The researchers were able to extract an anti-cancer substance from Lapacho, which they found acted against leukemia and malignant tumors including those in stomach cancer.
Besides its powerful healing properties, Lapacho is a powerful tonic and blood builder that increases the hemoglobin content and the number of red corpuscles. This is not surprising because Lapacho contains easily absorbable (colloidal) iron. It also assists with the proper assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of wastes, which is essential for recovery from any illness. Lapacho seems to be capable of revitalizing the body, by creating new vital elements and normal cell growth. It permits control of “incurable” diseases, lengthening life span and enhancing the quality of life both at the same time. Lapacho is a gift of nature to us humans and we may greatly benefit from accepting this gift.
Beware: Not all Pau d’ Arco products sold in today’s grocery stores, on the internet and even in herbal stores are potent enough to have the effects mentioned. Look for the most reputable stores known for their high quality products, even if their prices are somewhat higher than at stores that sell the common brands. However, I found that even the extracts offered at local health food stores still have some good benefits, effective enough to counteract a simple infection or immune weakness.
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