Andre, I started with Interestitial Cystitis five years ago.
At that time I had a stool test which showed Blastocystis H.
A nutritionist had me take ADP Emulsified Oregano for 6 weeks
and the next test was negative. However, no bladder symptoms
went away. I had 13 amalgams replaced by a holistic dentist
that year, 1999. Still no health improvement. Then in 2000,
I developed Frozen Right Shoulder and continued to seek help
from holistic practitioners and none knew what was wrong. Then
I found Hulda Clarke's book and this website and started
Colon Hydrotherapy and parasites killers, sauna sweating
and coffee enemas. I started the liver flushes a year ago
this month and now have done 15. About 8 months ago I started
with horrible brain fog from the time I get up until I go to
bed. The last few liver flushes I got horrible bloating, gas
and small intestine pain. A friedn told me about Colosan and
I started on that and had even worse bloating for a week and
no B.M. on my own until I added more Magnesium thanks to
someone on Curezone suggesting that. I took Colosan daily
for two weeks until yesterday and it has helped the discomfort
but more roundworms continuously come forward and causes
continual right upper quadrant pain. The last few days I
started just taking a little olive oil and lemon juice just
to get the roundworms that are there to pass. It has helped
the bloating and distention a lot. I have followed Shelley's
advice re diet and am now working with a nutritionist and
am on a very strict anti candida diet. I eat raw garlic to
make sure the roundworms are dead. With the last liver flush
two weeks ago, I passed more roundworms. To begine with
I also passed tapeworms from the liver. I do still do
coffee enemas once a day. I wonder if the coffee enemas
have caused adrenal fatigue. I was an R. N. in a hospital
for 26 years and so got plenty of toxic exposure. We also
had a gas leak in our house the 25 years we have lived here
which now is fixed. I am also in menopause age 53 and having
vag. dryness and some hot flashes. I am working on positive
thoughts and have spiritual peace. Any input from you would
be much appreciated. I still have bladder inflammation with all
that I have done.