Andreas Moritz
That depends on whether it is in it's acute or chronic stage. The bacteria transmitted through the deer tick (aka Lyme Tick) is not the only cause of Lyme. It is now known that Lyme disease is spread from person to person through sexual contact, breast feeding and, possibly, contaminated water supplies. The incidence of Lyme has recently increased 28% above average, reflecting a fertile ground for this and similar bugs to spread. The fertile ground in humans is a weak, overtaxed immune system. Once such a bacterium has resided in the body unchallenged for a period time it may go into a cell-wall deficient form, where antibiotics cannot reach. At his stage, antibiotics are useless, and just suppress immunity further.
The best approach is to introduce use immuno-strengthening methods, such as liver and colon cleansing; taking Astragalus and Pau D Arco; D-Mannose sugar and SSKI iodide to remove the bugs; exposure to sunlight, ideally the entire body, especially the genetital areas (see research about this in my book The Key to Health and Rejuveantion); eating a healthy, balanced diet, and sticking to such simple immune-boosting measures as sleeping early (no later than 10pm); drinking enough water, etc. etc.