Dear Andreas,
Hope you are well and enjoying the summer.
“There is a certain amount of life-energy available that is supposed to last for the entire natural lifespan. If used up within a few years, there is not much left for the later years. “
The above is a quote from your writings. I can see this being a fact since not only athletes
but also high-level business executive and other professionals “burn” themselves out by obsessive over indulgence for power and recognition.
My question and confusion is – do we only have a finite amount of energy per life? This is disheartening since I feel I have given up large part of my energy to building my career and in the process help build corporations and not me (I have not much to show for it except a pension plan). Is the energy I spent in that endeavour all gone never to be replaced with new fresh energy?
Another question on the same line is many individuals of prominence, great scientists (Einstein) or artists (Picasso was energetic & inventive till he died) have worked relentlessly for their craft but rather then energy being used up they have found a great release of new energy? I would count you amongst them – how come you have abundant energy at the ripe young age of fifty, I realise it is partly because of the balanced life but I thought life energy was finite?
Can new gifts and energies be made available to all souls at any time of their life?
Best Wishes as always love and light.