I just tried to order the e-book. I talked to them by phone and they said they were having lots of trouble with it and are sending me the cd instead.
Could you please answer some questions for me while I wait for the book?
I am diagnosed with celiac(have been completely gluten free for 18 months- haven't noticed any improvement except for diahrrea), mitral valve prolapse with dysautonomia (have high pulse rate), systemic candida, hypoglycemia, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, migraine, severe balance problems, vertigo, severe inner ear dysfunction. The headaches and inner ear dysfunction cause me so much discomfort.
I have started liver cleansing following Hulda Clark's protocol. I have done 7 and followed the last two with enemas. Didn't know to do that before. I haven't done colonics because I would have to drive 50 miles one way for them. I have removed all my mercury fillings, a root canal, cavitation, done a parasite cleanse for 3 weeks, tried Hulda Clarks kidney cleanse but can't tolerate the herbs. I have so much trouble tolerating meds, herbs, vitamins, etc. I get completely dysfunctional sometimes.
I have read many of your back post trying to find out the answers to some of my questions but couldn't complete all of them.
I don't know what your liver cleanse requires as I haven't received the book on cd yet but I have been doing Dr. Clark's. 1. From what I have read I believe you say to replace the apple juice with malic acid or apple cider vinegar if you have candida?
How much and how often do you take this?
2. My gallbladder was removed 3 years ago. Are there any special things I need to know or do differently?
3. I have been waiting 2 to 3 weeks between liver cleanses. How long do you recommend?
4. Do you know anything about Noni Juice?
5. If I can't have colonics done will enemas suffice or should I try to make or buy a colonics board?
6. The dr. put me on beta blockers for fast pulse rate and mvp. I have stopped taking it. What do you think?
7. Do you think I should use the foot pads or something to pull the heavy metals from my body?
I am so discouraged and wonder if I can ever get well. I have to have some help but don't know what else to do. Of all the things I have done so far the liver cleanses and parasite cleanse have helped the most but the improvements don't last. The medical profession has tried so many drugs for migraine prevention but I just can't tolerate any of them. Sometimes (and I fight this as long as I can) I have to take a 1/2 Xanax to calm the inner ear so I can function)
As I await the cd of your book, can you help me?
I just need to know what to do and do you think your protocol will help me?
I am a Christian so our spiritual beliefs are much different. I don't feel comfortable about a telephone consultation.
I know I am at a disadvantage because I haven't read your book but I had hoped to be able to download it today and hopefully get some answers to my health problems but it will have to be mailed to me in cd form.
Thank you for any help you can give me.