Andreas Moritz
You have given me very little information to go by, but since being pregnant I assume you have changed your diet. If you have increased your consumption of protein foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese and milk in your diet with the idea in mind that your baby needs protein, calcium, vitamins to grow, you may do just the opposite and also cause youreself a great deal of pain.
As you may know, mother's milk contains only 1.1 % protein and a new born baby can live and grow perfectly well on mother's milk for 18 months without any other food at all. Eating protein at that stage (cows milk or formula foods)would interfere with the digestive system and immune system (hence there are so many infections among babies). If a new born is not supplied with protein in mother's milk after it is born, it should certainly not be given protein-rich foods while it is in the womb either. If you eat even nore of it than normal, it will actually leach minerals out of your bones. Cows milk doesn't supply you with calcium, it depletes your body of calcium and other minerals (see my book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation, for further details). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually clears within less than 2-3 weeks after eliminating these foods from the diet (unless you severly overuse or strain your hands).
With kind regards,