Andreas Moritz
Dear Rick,
Both of you may benefit from not trying to persuade him. He has unconsciously chosen that route to pass through deep anguish he had kept inside of him since he was a child, and from before. He has allowed all this to happen to him because, otherwise, he would not have "accepted" to face with his introverted trauma. I would let him deal with his inner fear in the way he has unconsciously chosen, even if it is death that will clear if for him.
The limited diet, drinking coffee and refusal to drink water are part of the deal. All of these are severely dehydrating him, preventing the formation of digestive fluids such as bile, pancreatic enzymes and small intestinal juices. Hence food is no longer digested properly, leading to further food intolerance. Trust that, although his personality self doesn't know what he is going through, his higher self does. He is doing the very best, given the circumstances.
With kind regards,