Dear MS Patients,
I am a receptionist for a neurology group in NJ and also a unfranchised distributor for a internet
company called Market America. You can look into this
site at www.Market I sell all varieties of
vitamins called Isotonix Liquid vitamins which is a
powder that you mix with a small amount of water. The
difference between pill form and the liquid is that the
liquid only take about 5mins to get into your system,it
does not need the acid from you body to break down like
the pill form which can take 45min to 4hrs. By the time
it breaks down you have lost most of the vitamins taken.
One of our neurologist started a patient with MS on an
powerful antioxident called OPC3 which consist of grape
seed, pinebark, and redwine extract, she is also on,
B12 for fatigue and Calcium for her bones. The patient
is doing extremely well. There is also research regarding
fish oils which is in one of our products called TriOmega.
If anyone would like to try and of these products consult your physician and email me at the above address. I can
have the products shipped directly to your home.. Its worth a try.