You have to keep trying things, there are a lot of different ways of doing things and everybody is different.
You might consider doing liverflushes and bowelcleanse. Since I am a follower of
Andreas Moritz I use
Oxypowder (or colosan, oxyflush) other people use info from Clark, Schulze or Ask Barefoot.
In my notes I have this info about someone who had
Gallstones and IBS.
This is an interesting discussion about colon health and you will see you might need the liverflushing so you create more bile for digesting.
There is also a lot of information at the FAQ at both forums.
If you need more info about digestion check this website
http://ener-chi.com under Healthinfo gallbladder/liver/intestines. In one of these three it will say that you need bile for digestion in the small intestines.