Hello everyone, I just wanted to write and say that I started seeing what could be called MP, it's not the hard rubbery ropes, but it is definately something besides just poop (grin). You can skip the next paragraph if you want to get straight to the poop! ;)
First a bit of history, I am 40, female, eat fairly healthy (though FAR from perfect), in good health. I have always, or at least as far back as I can remember, I usually had 1 bm a week to week in a half, I'm sure I have even gone close to 2 weeks between bm's. I would spend 45 minutes to an hour sitting on the toilet, grunting out hardened, "bricks" of poop. I just thought this was my normal cycle, I never thought about all the food that I consumed each day sitting, rotting in my bowels for a week or more, it's amazing that I am as healthy as I am! My father was always more regular, he had his "morning ritual" that consisted of drinking his coffee and sitting on the pot for 30 minutes or more, I used to think that I was glad I didn't have to go everyday, I considered it an intrusion into my life, I suspect it was a control issue, also, when I was in school, most of the schools I went to were pretty tough places, and going into a bathroom with only one way in and one way out was a risky thing, a good way to get trapped and get yourself beat up, so I trained myself not to have to go during that time.
Now, to the present, I started using a
Colon Cleanse product about 2 weeks ago, it's called "4 Total Cleanse" by Genesis Today
I worked my way up to 2 pills from each bottle every night, that was the effective dose for me, I also take 1 tablespoon of Sonne's #7 (liquid bentonite) and 2 tablespoons of psyllium fiber twice a day. I started pooping every day (a BIG milestone for me!!!), in the first week I noticed my poop was getting softer and had brown mucous in it, Now this week, I have been going 3-4 (or more) times a day, mostly semi-soft poop with lots more brown mucous attached. Tonight I really noticed that more the mucous was really by itself, not attached to the poop, some of it was 2-3 inches, some was 7-8
inches long. I put on some rubber gloves and investigated some of it (I really never thought I would be handling THAT!), it was rubbery (though not hard), I could pick it up and it would not fall apart, I could squeeze it and it had a rubbery resistance though it could be mashed, it reminded me of a jellyfish in texture, soft, slightly rubbery... definataly not poop! MP? Who knows...
Good news is I really enjoy pooping now, or to quote another company, "Poopin' is cool!", going 3-4 times a day is not an intrusion into my life, I am feeling better and better, though I didn't have any obvious health problems, I'm sure I was brewing up some trouble down the line, I am so glad I did something about this now instead of waiting for something really bad to happen. Last week I tested myself to see how long it takes for something I eat to digest and be eliminated, I ate some corn and waited for it to appear in the toilet, it took 3 days. Tonight I ate some more corn, I am really looking forward to seeing how long it takes to pass, I'm sure it will not take 3 days!
My advice to anyone who is "thinking about" starting a colon cleanse, STOP thinking about it and START doing it! I didn't fast or drastically change my diet, I did start thinking more about what I was putting into my body, I do eat pretty healthy to begin with, and now I am even more careful, I stop and think if this is going to help or hurt me, and if it's worth the problems it may cause, it's like getting a new car, you tend to be more careful with it than you are with an old beat up clunker, so start treating your body like it deserves to be treated!
That is my story to date, if you are still reading, thank you! If you quit reading 2 paragraphs ago, then you will not see me apologizing for the long post! ;)
If anyone has any questions, I will be glad to answer them as best I can.