Personally I found that
Oxypowder was the only
Colon Cleanse that made a difference to my health. I tried just about every type of
Colon Cleanse including P&B, fasting, colema board, etc. The
Oxypowder helped me handle detoxing better. For example, I could not drink my ozonated water without getting the flu the next day, each time I tried it. After doing the
Oxypowder , I can drink as much ozonated water as I want with no herx or die-off problems. I also had less pain, less fatigue and more energy.
I felt it was the easiest cleanse and most comfortable as I could control how much cleansing took place, there was no fasting, no gross drinks, no enemas, and I did not change my diet. I just had to go to the bathroom a few extra times a day. If I knew I was going to be busy the next day, I would just take less Oxy-Powder the night before.
To the person who posted above saying you were up in the middle of the night, I think that you must be extrememly sensitive. You may want to consider just taking 1 cap to see if that's tolerable. Everyone is different and you may just need less than most folks. The up side of that is it will cost you a lot less!
By the way, I actually feel it helped my candida problem also.