Greetings Hopinso:
It is good to hear from you also! Would you believe that I am still flushing? I am doing #93 right now. The last 21 flushes have been gewy cholesterol and undigested protein as I figure from my research.
Technically I should have been dead ages ago with that much crap in my liver! I figure that I have taken about 300
pounds of vitamin C over the last 30 years or so. The vitamin C has kept me from rotting from within. Vitamin C is a very powerful detoxifier. I am still taking about 30 grams a day.
With all this
Liver Cleansing and intestinal/colon cleansing I should think that I would feel almost like new - there has been NO change in my non-stop 50year hold headache and the chronic fatigue is unchanged.
Along with several
quarts of stones I started out with a fatty liver as well and I hope that I will soon be finished. I am working on candida also along with clearing the gunk from the intestines. The candida is coming out by the buckets with all that psillium gew.
But - hope springs eternal. I hope to be almost like new for the summer! Then I will be able to say 'life begins at 68' :-) :-).
We have been trained, almost from birth, not to trust our own senses. I say, when something feels right, go for it regardless of what ANYBODY says. "Those who say that something cannot be done should not interfere with those who are doing it"!
For my last 2 flushes I waited 2 weeks in between. I think that now I will start a new routine. At the time of my last flush my poo was a dark green for 2 days, that means that my tough little liver is recuperating and producing lots of that good bile. After this flush I will take 2 Tablesp. of oliver oil and 1/2 cup of lemon juice first thing in the mornings and keep up these mini flushes for a week or so to see what happens.
I think that the body lets us know when we need to flush. My suggestion: go for it. I may post today's results on the
Liver Flushing Forum. See you there :-). Giz.