I finished the Colonix cleanse 3 weeks ago. Week 3 into that cleanse I started to feel really lousy to include severe nausea. That feeling has remained to this day. It has been awful. I started to take Coptis & GGC to help soften my stones and keep my bile flowing in case that is what is causing the nausea. I feel like I opened Pandora's box with the Colonix cleanse as it has stirred up something awful inside that I don't know how to get back into control.
I take
Dr. Schulze 's superfood every morning. Yesterday, I added two extra tablespoons as I needed something to make me feel better. I actually felt pretty good yesterday. However late last night, the nausea and weakness, low energy, etc. set back in and has remained throughout today.
When I had my daily bm this afternoon, it was dark spinach green. Do you suppose this is from the extra superfood? I did start to feel better once that came out of me. Any ideas what this could be or what I can do to try to snap out of this punky feeling?