Praise God. I am a Crohn's victim and I have been for 3 years now. I have 3 childrn who desperately need their mother. I have days where I am just weak and I feel that i can't make it. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and insomnia also. I have to take at least 25 pills daily and I am tired of taking all of these medicines and some of the side effects are terrible. I have had colonosopy, barium x-rays, blood work, and surgeries and I still feel weak. I have had more bad days than good days since I find out that I had Crohn's. I want to find a job but it seems like something wants to keep me where I am at for some reason, but I try to continue to to push myself to never give up. I ask you to pray for strengthening of the mind and of our soul in this family as well as for guidance and for healing of the mind and of the soul. Thank you. Pray for me and my family and I will pray for you too.