I just wanted to share a quick little reminder.
Please becareful what we say out of our mouths and what we speak because we can be giving a spirit a strong hold on us and our families and friends we also maybe opening many doors with our mouths that quiet frankly I do not think you want to open.
Lets not accept false lies and do not speak into the spiriual realm what we do not want to claim for ourselves and/or our families and children lives.
Do not go around saying things like:
I am ALWAYS sick
I will NEVER be well again
My husband is WORTHLESS or does not understand
My child drives me CRAZY
The doctors will NEVER find out whats wrong with me
I am loseing my MIND
I know my husband has CANCER
we will NEVER get out of DEBT
He will always be a LOSER
anyway you get the picture what we speak into the spiritual realm satan can take ahold of and run and we open the door and are claiming these thoughts for our lives. May of the things we think or feel are untrue and lots of times when we are sick and dont feel well we are very negetive and say things that are not true at all.
Satan can not read our minds nor see the future he just knows our patterns,our past and our fears from what we say and do.
He cant hear your thoughts but when you verbally speak them into the air he then knows your thoughts and fears.
You can pray quietly in your head to GOD he hears and knows our thoughts if you dont want the enamy knowing dont speak it out loud.
I say stop and lift up your worries and sickness and problems to the Lord.
Say positive things and reinforce the good.
Stop saying things you dont want to manifest and become real in your life. I truly mean this!! Do not speak these kind of things or what ever it is you say in regards to your family or yourself stop and think about it..
What comes out of your/our MOUTHS it is either a BLESSING or a CURSE so what will the next words from your mouth be today?
I love you all and pray for God's blessings to manifest in your hearts and your life and I pray for healing and understanding and direction for each one of you here.
God Bless You,raider