Here's a brainwashed soldier, doing exactly what his leaders want him to do. Colin Powell expressed his hope France would join the US in the spoils of war but French President Jacques Chirac essentially told Powell and the US to take a hike. He said France wants no part in the US-Britian plan to lord over the defeated Iraqis and allow US companies such as Cheney's Halliburton to make a fortune in rebuild contracts. Favored corporations such as Bechtel Group, Parsons, Fluor and the Brown & Root Services (a subsidiary of Halliburton) are smacking their chops over lucrative contracts. The more Iraqi children are "shocked and awed," the more money these vampires stand to make. William Nordhaus, a Yale economist, says the rebuilding of Iraq could cost as "little" as $100 billion over the next decade, or $600 billion if a long occupation is required. No doubt Mr. Nordhaus will be consulted after the follow-up invasions of Iran, Syria, and Libya, to name but three.