Davis and Rawls warned against using blenders (and a number of other hazardous radiation dangers in our environment) in their book, "The Magnetic Blueprint of Life". Here's a quote from the book. "Any food mixer, food fluid extractor, juicer, or juice extractor which has its electric motor against, on top, or directly underneath the food will transmit powerful alternating and electromagnetic pulsing energy into and through the juices, fluids, and foods. This will neutralize some of the nutrients in these materials, because alternating currents and voltages help to dissolve many of the food constants and values. Further, these alternating energies act to change food, fluids, vegetable and fruit juices, as well as chopped, grated, and blended foods." They say if you decide to use one, "try to find one with the motor to the side, away from the food bowl or container." Put the contents into an airtight container and immediately put it into the refrigerator because the heat from the pulsing energies will hasten decomposition.
A good rare earth ceramic magnet (not neodymium) between 1200 and 4500 gauss can magnetize your drinks. I bought my magnets from the Albert Roy Davis lab.