The term "antioxidant" in my opinion (and in Ed McCabe's
opinion) is a misnomer. They should have been named something
like "antiradical" or such. Because calling it antioxidant
implies that it is all about preventing oxidation, when what
they really do is prevent damage caused by free radicals.
Doctors would probably disagree, but here's what I have come to
understand: not all free radicals are the same. When atoms
lose electrons, then become positively charged. When this happens
they become harmful free radicals that crash into other tissue
molecules trying to balance their charge. Ozone, or the singlet
oxygen atoms that come from it (which is a good free radical), is
negatively charged and attaches to the harmful free radicals.
Therefore it could be said that ozone is one of the most powerful
free radical scavengers.
"Antioxidants" help protect us from all free radical damage to our
cells. I like to think of antioxidants as defense and ozone as
offense (where the opposition is free radicals, toxins, pathogens,
So, it could be said that they work synergistically together.
The question remains whether you should take them together. I would
say no, because ozone will oxidize almost anything. So it's a good
idea to take antioxidants separately from ozone. But take both.