I can't give you a qualified answer on the no stone issue being beneficial also but I would guess that it would be. 100 stones is not "no stones" so I would keep on flushing.
Everybody system is different and you certainly can not discount each persons diet in the prior days before the doing the flush. I had great result from my first flush. I did it at the end of a 40 day
Master-Cleanse fast. I kinda took a hint from that about eating well and doing a juice fast for a day or 2 before the flush and they have all been succesful indeed. ;+D
My sugestion to you and everyone else is to try eating a good diet of mostly raw the week of the flush and juice fast a day or 2 before the flush.
While the
Liver Flush certainly is a great thing it is by no means a "magic pill". It is just one part of the puzzle towards good health. From what I read in these forums people focus too much on one particular aspect or organ without thinking of the whole machine. Nothing and I do mean absolutly nothing works independent of any other organ even though it is obvious that some organs, the liver being one, certainly play a major role in our well being. Work on the liver but don't ignore the whole being.