The Complete Work of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya - Key to the Art of Living
Brief Introduction of Vangamaya Vol. 25
Science OF YAGYA
(Yagya Ka Gyan Aur Vigyana)
All activities in the limitless expansion of the universe are said to have generated from a grand eternal yajna (Yagya). Atharva Veda (9.15.14) describes Yagya as: "Ayam Yagya Vishvasya Bhuvanasya Nabhih" – implying Yagya as the fundamental process of manifestation of nature. Lord Krishna quotes in the holy Geeta (3|10)
Sahayagyah Prajah SraÌta Purovacha Praja patih |
Anena Prasavishyadhvamesha Voastvishta Kamadhuk ||
Meaning: Before the existence of the cosmos, Prajapati Brahma – the eternal creator, the supreme source of existence, had originated Yagya and commenced the process of generation and growth of cosmic powers and their unlimited manifestations resulting in the creation of nature.....
The Yajur Veda contains the knowledge of the principles and methods of performing Yagyas as part of spiritual and scientific experiments for global welfare. The SamaVeda focuses on the musical chanting patterns of the mantras and deals with the subtle form of Yagya by defining the latter as the process of mental oblation on the surface of emotions....
Literally speaking Yagya means – selfless sacrificing for noble purposes. In physical terms, Yagya (homam, havan or agnihotra) is a process aimed at the finest utilization of the subtle energy existing in matter with the help of the thermal energy of fire and the sound energy of the mantras .
The knowledge of Yagya as realized and deciphered by the Indian rishis is indeed a boon bestowed on mankind which encompasses all dimensions of divine human culture. The methods of performing Yagyas as experimented and propagated by these ancient scientists and sages contain the key to ideal maintenance of the ecosystem and the environment of life....
Science and philosophy of Gayatree and Yagya were thoroughly practiced and propagated by the saints and sages of yore. Because of their direct impact on the physical, mental and spiritual development of human life, the principles and practices of these fundamental components of the ancient Indian culture have relevance in the modern times too. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of some sacred souls and eminent scholars like Guru Gorakshnath and Swami Dayanand Saraswati, that the glory of the ancient knowledge of Yagya has not lost its glow despite traversing through the dark period of misinterpretations, aberrations and maligning during the medieval era.
The noble contributions of Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya have been most significant in rousing the Indian cultural values since past few decades and implementing the practices of Gayatree and Yagya as scientific experiments aimed at the welfare of all living beings. This spiritual saint, social reformer, scholar and scientist par excellence is renowned as an authority on the in-depth knowledge of Gayatree and Yagya . His inspirations have revived the tradition of Gayatree –Yagyas among the masses as part of his great Yug Nirman mission of arousal of divine culture on this globe.
Gurudev Shriram Sharma conveyed that adoption of the philosophy of Yagya – sublimation of creative potentials, knowledge, pious virtues, intellect and strength and limitless expansion of altruist service with eminence – in every walk of life is a true Yagya . In concordance with the quote (from Gita ) – "Yagyartha Karmanoanyatra Lokoayam Karmabandhanah", he viewed that only those actions (karmas) are noble which are performed with heartiest sentiments inspired by the philosophy of Yagya. Other actions become the cause of thraldoms preventing the arousal of the soul and retarding its march towards unification with its divine origin.
He gave logical explanation of the implication of the rituals associated with the process of performing Yagya (havan or homam) in the sacrificial fire: each step of this process corresponds to refinement, sublimation and boundless expansion.... In his views, true worship of divinity is that which results in gradual refinement and virtuous elevation of personality and arousal of associated divine qualities in the inner self.
Manusmriti defines – "Mahayagyaishcha Yagyaishcha Brahmeeyam Kriyate Tanuh", meaning, "Best Yagya is that in which one lives a serene, altruist life devoted to continuous refinement of the body, mind and the inner self up to divine levels". Acharya Sharma lived an ideal life as per this philosophy of Yagya and offered practical guidance in this regard which is most suitable in today’s circumstances. He propagated the eternal philosophy of Yagya by organizing Gayatree Havanas and inspiring collective participation of large number of people from all walks of the society.....
Ancient scriptures of Hindu philosophy consider Yagya as one of the twenty-four divine incarnations. Performing Yagya on small scale as homam, agnihotra or havan is an integral part of every religious ritual and social rite of auspicious nature. Acharya Sharma studied the scientific basis and reasoning behind performing the ritual of Yagya in sacrificial fire and explained how this simple experiment is useful for maintaining the ecosystem.
The sacrifices – of herbal preparations, cow-dunk and healthy products of cow-milk – made in the Yagya -fire in the names of different Gods correspond to enriching the natural powers which balance cosmic order. These sacrifices are like paying ‘taxes’ or offering acknowledgement in return of the enormous boons bestowed by the divine powers in the form of natural resources, energies and environment of life. Excessive and unbalanced consumption of natural resources and powers disturbs the harmonious order in nature and results in occurrence of natural calamities, obnoxious diseases, etc. – this is what is termed as the "punishment of Gods against negligence of regular sacrifices made to them...."
The Indian tradition of performing homam (Yagya at a small scale) every day in every house is an excellent and most natural way of up keeping pure and healthy environment of life. The collective chanting of mantras during Yagya has soothing impact on psychological and spiritual health. Acharya Shriram Sharma has given substantial evidences in support of such effects along with detailed interpretations and references on what is said about Yagya in the Vedas, Upnishadas, Gita, Ramayana, Shrimad Bhagwata, Mahabharata, Puranas, Guru Grantha Sahiba and authentic treatises of many ancient and modern scholars of the philosophy of Yagya.
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya had also suggested modern scientific investigation on – (i) effects of fumigation of specific herbal preparation in the sacrificial fire of Yagya along with collective recitation (chanting) of mantras and (ii) the interrelationship between Gayatree Mantra, Yagya and the cosmic radiation – especially from the rising Sun. The research laboratory of Brahmvarchas established by him at Shantikunj, Hardwar (India) has given pioneering direction to research in Yagyopathy. The present volume gives a comprehensive view of his interpretations and analysis of ancient scriptures on philosophy of Yagya along with his ideas and deliberations on the need and possibilities of scientific research. Details on the scientific methods and experiments in Yagyopathy are compiled in volume number 26 of this Vangmaya series.
Yagya is also glorified as "Yagyoayam Sarvakmadhuk" meaning, "Yagya is the source of fulfilling all desires". This appears to be true in view of the positive effects, at physical, mental and spiritual levels, of performing Yagya and ideal elevation of life by adopting the universal philosophy of Yagya in action. The present volume proposes to offer extensive knowledge and guidance on the philosophy of Yagya so that the entire human society could be blessed by this nectar of divine culture.
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