Well, that is funny...I do remember reading about another woman who had those golf ball poos...but I HAD THEM TOO!!!
What are they? I know exactly what you're talking about! I think I had them after my fast, then liver flush...later in the day of the liver flush, I think...
They were brown perfectly round golf balls, right? Mine looked like something you would eat....(gross, I know)...but I can't think of it - but an almond sliver rum ball or something...I had about 5 of them and wondered...what the...?? I cut one open and it was exactly the same all the way through....just seemed like a different sort of poo.
Who knows what that could be! Why would they come out round and that shape? Conditions were perfect for a good 'roll' down the intestine, making it smooth and perfect???? I wonder....
Very odd.
Maybe somebody else will have had this experience too!