.... a Chinese Peasant!!!
Really! - get this:
China's overall population, the largest in the world, is 1.3 billion.
With the global human population currently estimated at about 6.4 billion, China is home to approximately 20%, or one-fifth of the human species.
60% of the Chinese population lives in rural areas, therefore one-of-every-eight people in the world is a Chinese Peasant!
Statistically, does that make YOU one-eighth Chinese peasant?
In a way, it does.
The collective consciousness certainly is influenced by the mind and soul and spirit of the Chinese Peasant, being 1/8th of the total waking people every day. This is not a thing most of us would ever think of, that so many people are waking up to straw matts and dungfuel warmth and to make tea in the mornings.... people in the middle of, argueably, the most powerfull nation on earth.
We Are of the Whole, and we are "I am what I am"
...but I am and we are 1/8th Chinese Peasant.
They may be the seat of the soul of the Human race, those chinese peasants. They are still in the rythmns of nature, surprisingly, to us in the western world. Not many here even know those rythmns - the sun warming and waking us up, the light at night goes out so early, and the lack of machinery noises as most of their farmwork is sheer physical labour.
Health wise, they practise the ancient ways more than any population on earth. Herbs, homemade vaccines, and no pharmaceuticals to ravage the liver and other organs like we have. A lack of cancer [a hidden fact]. Enemas are as common as coal in rural China, like it allways has been since the start of 'health care' in that enemas are the oldest medical intervention.