The Old Philosophical Problem
The dispute on the divisibility of a particle has been conducted from ancient times.
There were two opposing views:
1) a particle can be divided infinitely,
2) the division of a particle comes to an end when it reaches the ultimate particle
They began by splitting a body into finer and finer parts: to molecules, molecule to atoms, atoms to electrons, protons and neutrons. Then they constructed accelerators. They began see if protons and neutrons could be divided into other elementary particles and in the process, creating so many particles that it is even difficult to list them. But physicists do not believe that there is a true initial particle. In listening to their explanation of the situation in the microcosm, one is reminded of a madhouse. Only there is it possible to learn that the part is more than whole.
When physicists began to study the macrocosm, they were sure that in using the formulas, equations and laws they relieved the consciousness of man from prejudice. Therefore the physics was considered an ally of common sense. But when they began to study the microcosm, they began to complain of paradoxical devices. Then physics became an enemy of common sense.
Can physics be paradoxical? Can nature be paradoxical? Is it the laws of nature or the thinking of the physicist?
A Simple example.
From the time of Newton–Huygens, the dualism of light was known and debated. To set the question:
If we ask how can the wave become a particle, the question will be paradoxical. But if we ask how the particle can create waves, the question will be logical. For over 300 years there has been no one that formulated such a question.
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