There are xenophobic myths that have nothing to do with God=LOve but those myths are spread throughout the world and are the authors of so much hate and strife. The God I know as love doesn't even see our flesh but men and women put so much emphasis into seeing others as different than them. Otherwise religious people, who treat those who are like them as if they are more loved by God, create an us vs them world-view. The real us vs them world is in the spiritual realm and there are no one group of humans that are more or less loved by God. I have blue eyes and you have brown eyes though, and our cultures create myths based around this superficial physical aspect of myself that does not survuve death but still these superficial world-views rule the lives of so many people. Whether color of skin or height,(in Africa right now there are tribes of men trying to erase the pygmies from off the face of the earth)there are men and women who judge their fellow man by narrow physical attributes.
I was born into a Christian' nation but others were born in their own faith or lack of faith but God(Love) doesn't see us that way...God sees our heart... If I am blonde haired and blue eyed, and do everything that the world finds to be successful but I choose to say my own culture and beliefs are superior to those of another culture and I hold those beliefs to the point of hating those of another culture, then my god is this world. Love is the substance of God and if I have blue eyes and not love then I have nothing at all.