Wow! This really is a very controversial subject.
I feel that my husband and I can truly say that the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath, and we are learning new ways to enjoy it all the time, hopefully without being legalistic. We have been accused of that by more than one person. Well, we enjoy it and that is all that matters.
But regardless of the day that someone worships, I think somewhere in the Bible, Jesus is quoted as saying he has sheep in other folds. And I love what Ellen White says about folks from other Christian denominations going to heaven as they have 'lived up to the light that they have been given'. In other words, she doesn't think folks from her denomination are the only ones going to heaven. I have worshipped in some denominations that believed that they were the only ones going to heaven.
One other thing - learning about the Sabbath and being around a bunch of "Sabbathkeepers" has been a real eye opener. We have met folks who focus just on this one commandment it seems to the exclusion of the others. Some of the most apparently greediest, covetous (10th commandment) folks think that just because they keep the Sabbath, they are doing everything they need to be doing. And in the particular denomination where we have been worshipping, especially in the bigger city congregations, adultery is rampant. I could go on and on. So go figure.
The commandments are wonderful and it would be ideal if I could keep them perfectly all the time. But, thank you Yeshua for your grace and your precious blood that covers me.
Thanks for your response.