My name is Tricia I’m 23 years old and I hope you can help. I've had scalp fungus for over 6yrs with out me knowing. I finally went to the doctor and was told that what I thought was dandruff is actually a fungus Tinea (ringworm of the scalp) I've been taking prescription drug griseofulvin and shampooing my hair with NIZORAL for 5 weeks however It has not gone away. My hand nails are dry, yellow, flaky and brittle and that also has not improved on the contrary both things have gotten worst. Both funguses have spread something that in the 5 year period had not happened It always remain the same.
The current prescription medicine i'm on griseofulvin has side effects and has not worked PLEASE HELP!! I feel so sad about this nothing seems to be working.
My questions is, What natural alternative should I try?