Dear Jawg,
I share your need for solitude, but
I don't consider it an anxiety or
phobia. And you shouldn't either.
Some of us were just meant to be
alone. If you learn to love solitude, as I have, then what seems
like a curse, becomes a blessing.
I am perfectly content with my own
company. The only time I ever feel
uncomfortable is when I'm with
people who are full of negative-
energy. Then I get "lonely" for my
solitude! And when I get back into
my own space, I thank my guardian
angels for getting me home.
I never feel lonesome. I never look
out the window wistfully, and think
that Life is going on somewhere --
and that I've been excluded. Never!
For most Americans, the two most
frightening words in the language
are "home alone." To be home alone,
without TV, computer, cell-phpne,
radio, etc, is most people's worst
nightmare. They'll do ANYTHING to
prevent being left alone with their
own thoughts -- including mindless
driving just to kill time.
To my mind, Jawg, you are completely
sane. It's your relatives and friends that are caught up in the
soap-opera of life, who are loony.
I am NOT saying that everyone should
live alone! But I AM saying that if
you're solitary by nature, as you
seem to be, don't consider it a
defect which you have to overcome.
Have you read any GOOD books about
spirituality, Jawg? Authors like
Eckhart Tolle, Swami Rami, Anthony
De Mello, Joan Borysenko, and others? If not, you might want to consider it.
Once you become truly contented with
yourself and your life, you'll find
that other people will notice that
positive energy, and want to be with
you. At that point, you'll have the
best of both worlds: lots of time to
yourself, and, if you choose it,
quality time with ONE person who
resonates with you in all the
important ways.
I wish you well on your quest, Jawg.