The follow is from the Preface of Brooke Medicine Eagle's book "The Last Ghost Dance". If you wish to read the entire Preface visit:
We are in the time of the New Ghost Dance.
--A Message from an Old Woman of the Earth
Brought through by Carol Aitchison
All of us alive on Lady Gaia at this time have the opportunity to be an active part of the Rainbow of Light that creates the bridge into a new and Golden Time for All Our Relations and us. At this point in human history, we have the opportunity to literally bring Heaven to Earth. Our ability to visualize and believe it is possible for us to lift ourselves up, to pick up the profound work of our Earthly ancestors and move responsibly into our own piece of the action, and to fully embody Spirit is what will make this ascension possible. The exciting part is that we have the opportunity to complete something Mother Earth and humanity have been working on for aeons.
The rainbow bridge to a renewed Earth was first shown to me in a vision given me by White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman, the mysterious holy woman who . . . took me to stand at the edge of an enormous chasm made of black, shiny stone and asked me to look around. Looking across the gap, I saw a sight that thrilled my heart. On the other side was a radiantly golden world. Everything had an iridescent aura, like we sometimes see on a spring morning after rain when the dew picks up the many-colored light. There were people and animals there on a broad, flowering plain under crystal snow-capped peaks - with no sound but a soft breeze and happy laughter. Out of the sacred groves of enormous trees on the hillsides came rushing pure, clear water. Children and young animals played there together, splashing and laughing and drinking the water without fear. Two-leggeds went about peacefully and joyfully, developing and exchanging their gifts and talents, taking in the radiant energy for nourishment and nibbling for their sweet taste the fruits and plants that grew about them in profusion. Happy songs of birds and people and the calls of contented animals echoed across. It was a glorious place - a golden dream for us and All Our Relations. I yearned to go there.
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I wanted desperately to get to the radiant life on the other side of the chasm. Yet . . . A wailing cry erupted from my throat as I realized I could not get there.
All the while, White Buffalo Woman had stood beside me. Now she looked at me with compassion, and said, "The bridge upon which you will cross to that beautiful life on a renewed and flowering Earth will be a bridge of light." Then she sent from within herself a rainbow of light which jumped across the chasm to rest on the other side. "To make a bridge, the light must become a rainbow. It is the only way!"
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"To make a rainbow, all colors of light must be included. None can be left out, or there will be no bridge." And she went on to help me understand the deeper meaning of this symbol she had given me, "When I say 'all colors' I am referring to all things, all peoples, all beings. None can be left out. You must walk a sacred walk, acknowledging, honoring, respecting, communing and cooperating with all things and beings in the Circle of Life. No one, nothing, can be left behind. You must live a life of inclusiveness, union, and sharing -- letting the Light of Love flow freely among you. When all are included in a good way, the discordant song will become harmony and the light will automatically become a rainbow. Thus, all of you who are alive become the rainbow upon which the generations cross into this new and Golden Time.
"The rainbow also represents another aspect of our movement into this new time: lightening up! It reminds you that you will find joy and happiness by creating them through singing, dancing, and celebrating together in gratefulness for the beauty Creator has given. You must release your heaviness and those things that burden you -- lifting your attitude, practice, and vibration to a higher level. You must let what you love and what brings joy call you forward from moment to moment, for in no way can you bring this radiant time by doing things which displease or de-energize you. Rather than working for it, you must dance your lives as the old ones did. Nurturing ceremony and joyful celebration will be not only the hallmarks but also the means into this wonderful future."
This prophecy is a beacon of light to hold out in front of us as we make us way thru these perilous times. Keep your heart light and free and filled with love and hope and perhaps you shall be spared many of the dire tribulations that are occuring at this time. Please be aware that there are worlds within worlds. and that There is a world that awaits us where we can live free and be all that we can be. Our hearts will guide us and transport us to that place "somewhere over the rainbow."