Hello Jannet
I did dr.Schulze 5 day d-tox and
Liver Flush in August 2002.Before that I had a very hard pain in upper right and I think that was from my gallbladder.I couldn't sleep that time so I was forced to do so.I followed 5-day program exactely and i drunk the
Liver Flush for 4 more days.My pain stopped after third day of cleansing and I felt more energetic.My whole body was in better condition.A week ago I did dr Clark's one day
Liver Flush and It was also good experience.I notice in my stool something like grains and green pea stones.
I was not dehydrated or hungry.I drunk a lot of water and diluted juices.
Also before liver cleanse I did
Bowel Cleanse what is very important.You should follow the program exactely and you will not have any problem.
Did you eat any fat or drink coffe or black tea?