Hi there...I see no one is answering your question. I didn't know what a colostomy I do!
You know, I don't see why you can't do a liver/gallbladder flush. The stones go the same route as fecal matter. It is not a 'violent' act, the flush...some people don't use any
Epsom Salts at all, if you want to try that. Instead of using the
Epsom Salts , just drink apple juice at night...then in the morning start the day with warm water and lemon...then move to 1 glass of prune juice every half an hour for 2 hours (4 glasses) That's what stonehedge does.
What do you think? It is very simple, the liver flush. I really don't see why you couldn't do it and get stones out too...and keep your gallbladder! Have you read all the posts from people who have gotten their gb's out...but still have pain!? awful.
I hope we hear more from you, Helpneeded!