Does anyone know of an alternative to olive oil?
Vega testing and the fact that I find the oil very difficult to keep down, point to an allergy. Has anyone tried other oils like sesame seed oil flax seed oil with any success? I want to carry on flushing as I've got rid of hundreds of stones.
Subject: Almond oil
From: Lori < no email > | Show All messages posted by Lori |
Date: 06:20 Sep 17 2002 (Sep 17 2002)
I decided to try almond oil this weekend - as I dislike the taste of olive oil. I found that the almond oil had little to no taste........and was easier to get down. Results were just as good as with the olive oil.
Beats me!! if we can get the same results from almond oil, why go through the horrible olive oil tase? Has anyone else tried? southeren belle I presume you ahve not since you said this is copied from an earlier mail.
Wish there were more prople who could voucj for the almond oil effectiveness.
Are you using an organic extra virgin olive oil from the health food store or some cheap oil from the local grocery store? If from the grocery store, it could be full of pesticides or other harmful chemicals used to process the oil.