I suffered from multiple
food allergies that gave me migraines for twenty years. I had them pretty much under control until one day, I picked up a large comforter that my high-school aged boy had rolled up and stuffed in the back of his closet. I carried it up stairs to wash and when I unfolded it was covered in black mold. I was COOKED. ..I mean COOKED. The moment I took a breath of that mold, my life went into a spiral. Starting three days later...and for the next two weeks I was so sick I could not get out of bed; I felt like my entire head was invaded with a painful, debilitating fog. I had horrible headaches and nausea. And, my
food allergies got worse and worse as I became sensitive to all kinds of things I could formerly eat. The headaches became relentless. To say I was getting depressed is an understatement. Honestly, I thought life could not be worth living like this. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked.
On the occasions I felt well enough to even look at a computer screen, I went to the internet and searched for hours on end until I finally stumbled upon a account by a lady who described a similar situation she had encountered with mold in walls of her home. She was a natural health practitioner, yet even after 2 years of searching she had not been able to cure herself...until one fortuitous day, she met an old woman practitioner at some sort of get-together. The woman gave this lady a bottle of a tincture made from a South American plant called:
I immediately ordered Jatoba. I found it at Raintree Nutritional Products here:
Jatoba saved my life. I took it three times per day for two months and I still take it at least once a day. I consider it one of the best products I have ever found or used. Needless to say, you HAVE to rid your home of any molds or nothing will help if you are constantly repopulating your body with it. But, DEFINITELY get Jatoba. Good Luck!