Many of the toxins stored in the liver are of petrochemical origin (pesticides, additives, fertilizers etc). These are like "hardened oils" within the liver. To dissolve a hardened "oil" you must use another oil. (Soap uses the same principle. Soap is oil/fat congealed with a hydroxide. The oil of the soap is used to dissolve the grease/grime on our own bodies. In principle, oil is being used against another hardened oil.)
To start, an ounce of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (Udo's Choice or walnut oil may also be used to start with. For as much attention as flax seed oil is getting its benefits do not include liver cleansing. However, it is excellent for softening any organ that has cirrhosis. Most raw food oils act as gentle solvents.) with one ounce of freshly squeezed (not bottled) lemon juice (apple juice may also work) is to be taken before bedtime for 30 or more consecutive days.
Yo can also do this preventitively,once or twice a week depending on how you feel your exposure rate is, more or less as seems needed! Grog