Boric acid is made from Borax, which in turn contain the element Boron. Plants need born. I put borax on my plants, I also put magnesium sulfate on them (also known as Epsom Salt).
Boric acid used to be used as an antiseptic. I don't have the details on why it became unpopular. "They" said it was poison. Maybe it worked to well and cut into the pharmaceutical market.
Your body need BORON to propertly make use of calcium and magnesium.
It is said that boron/boric acid is no more toxic that common
table salt . A tablespoon of
table salt will kill you.
I have used boric acid and borax for many years. Put it where the insects are likely to travel - along baseboards behind the carpet, along the edges and in the corners of your cabinets.
I know some pets with lick at anything, therefore just be careful to put it where they will not be tempted to get curious.
Unless you plan on eating it it cannot harm you by touching your skin.
Glue roach traps are ineffective.