I have used the intestinal formula 1 and 2 for over a year. The intestinal formula 1 is great for years of constipation to get your bowels moving plus tone and heal them. The formula 2 acts as a drawing poltice to pull old fecal matter out of the intestines. Some people I have spoken with have even passed polops using formula 2. The key to using formula 2 is to take it 5 times a day, in other words consume a whole jar in one week. That is what Dr Schulze recommends and to space the 5 daily servings out over the day. I used a 3 hour spacing schedule for this and it worked great. I no longer need to use the intestinal 1 as my bowels now work daily on their own. I used to have to increase the amount of formula 1 when using formula 2 but that is not the case any more. I still use formula 2 to keep pulling toxins out of my system. I have heard the formula 2 is great for people who have had years of watery stools. Clearing out the blockages in their intestines normally will get them back to normal (soft but formed) movements.
Sorry if I have made any typo's I am dealing with lung cancer with metastasis to the brain and I don't always catch them.
I also make all my own teas and tinctures that I used to order from Dr Schulze and have Sam Bisers interview with Dr Schulze. For me purchasing Sams collection was a worthy purchase as Dr Schulze went through the whole incurables program with a volunteer and showed how to make your own teas, formetations, tinctures, bolus and everything else you would need to know when dealing with a serious illness.
When you buy Sam's collection he also answers any questions you may have. His replies are not always the best but at least he answers your email.
I see a major focus in this forum on the herbs but that is only a small portion of the healing that Dr Schulze and other natural healers recommend. All of them call for juicing, fresh air, exercise, spiritual healing, toxin elimination in your home and others I can't think of right now.
God Speed to everyone in their healing,
PS) I don't know if Biser's lawyers are correct about sueing for posting information in Sam's collection. If I recall correctly, copywritten information can be published it if is for educational purposes without recourse from the publisher. Maybe one of you knows a copywrite attorney who could answer that one :-)