In the book "Healing Psoriasis" (which is based on the Cayce readings), the author mentions the 3-day apple fast, but he makes a few changes to the original Cayce instructions. This is what he says:
First thing in the morning: drink a glass of warm water to which the juice of one fresh lemon has been added.
An hour later, begin the following: throughout the day, drink plenty of water and eat as many apples (Red or Yellow Delicious) as desired. Most of my patients eat approximately 6 to 8 apples on the first day.
Late in the afternoon or evening: if at all possible, a high
colonic is recommended; if not, a thorough home enema is advised. The purpose of having an enema at this time is to clear out the toxins that have already begun to accumulate in the lower intestinal tract. In the evening, they drink one tablespoon of pure olive oil, either plain or mixed in hot water or apple juice.
NOTE: If a full tablespoon of olice oil upsets their stomach, I recommend that the amount be reduced to one teaspoon. Even this amount may be intolerableif one suffers from either a gallbladder or liver condition. Whatever the case, they omit the olive oil if adverse reactions occur.
They repeat all instructions given for Day One, except that a home enema is recommended instead of a high colonic.
Again, they repeat all instructions given for Day One. It is most important that a high
colonic or enema be given at the end of Day Three.
At the completion of this three-day cycle, they eat a pint of plain yogurt which will help to replace the normal bacterial flora of the intestinal tract.
Notice how he stresses the importance of the
colonics and enemas. Maybe that's why i didn't notice anything after i finished this fast, i didn't have any enemas or colonics. You know why i didn't have them? Because i didn't know what a
colonic or enema was when i got this book 2 months ago! Now i do, lol. These instructions are given for people with eczema/psoriasis, so i don't know if it'll work for other folks. The book also mentions a few other fruit fasts.