I've looked for information on fasting and all that I can find is that he recommends 3Day Apple Fasts (whole, organic), 4Day Pear Fasts or 5Day Grape Fasts.
There is information below with an 'R'.
He said that these uni-fruit fasts are VERY beneficial for detoxing the system. Drink lots of water too!
I bet this is the fast for you Rudenski!
The first fast I ever did was
The Master Cleanse back in November - and I tell you it was an amazing experience. Heightened awareness - as though the little energy connectors that zip and zap communicating to each other within me were totally clean and making swift, pure connections! Ah! It felt great. I also had lots of energy. Felt wonderful. I think there is definitely a time and place for fasting. It was a dream that brought me to curezone - Dolphins and a Beluga whale (upright - so I had to look up to him) talked to me telepathically and then looked inside me with a large round mirror. He told me that I needed a bit of vacuuming out! He said it wasn't serious - but where he was from health is more preventative and this is something they'd do really simply. So...after that I searched for cleanses and found curezone....and here I am! Purifying my body for the next phase of my life. (just following the signs!)
Just in case you haven't seen it...I'll post an overview of the cleanses below...
Congratulations on your first fast day!