Tracy McGreggor
Hi Prof:
The only thing that I know of for dementia type conditions is the Incurables Program. I had an episode of something that absolutely terrified me. I have always been somewhat forgetful. I will put my sunglasses or keys down and then don’t remember where I put them and things like that.
But I started having other symptoms. I would walk into a room and forget why I was there. And sometimes I would forget where I was. And then I began forgetting who I was. To say it was frightening is an understatement to say the least. I was terrified out of my mind. I was afraid that they were going to stuff me into a rubber room and throw away the key.
That’s when I started on the Incurables Program. Whatever the condition was, it faded and my memory returned to what it was before. I still forget where I put my keys sometimes, but at least I don’t forget where I am, or who I am.
Good luck and good health,