Tis why I said to stay with them. Diastile can go wherever it wants to, I don't want systole to go less than 100 or 90, 80 works but I'd be giving cayenne orally by then. Hypertension is an incurable disease, so why not do the incurables? There are no half measures, if your into half measures do another program. This is about results and saving lives. If you can't take the temperature get out of the kitchen.
This is the incurables program, if your not willing to do it all than you've done something else. I can bring a blood pressure up, there are ways, I can't always get one down. Am I worried about low blood pressure, RARELY! Put the feet up. Are we really taking blood pressures on people in the incurables? I want to know how you feel? I don't care what your blood pressure is, so long as your talking your fine. If a person is on hospice I do not take their blood pressure, WHY? It only tells me how well they are dying! It's like every 8 hours they do arterial blood gases in the hospital.........WHY? To see how well we're dying. Stop the abuse and start helping the living. Are they awake and alert in the tub? Then they're okay.
What is the temp of a hot tub? 120 degrees in my house, anything greater than body temperature is hot. So 100 degrees works, be sensible. Dr Schulze gives no specifics for this because of liability. The average adult temp is 98.6, most of us are running around by afternoon at 99.0. The problem is we want to create a temp during the cold sheet, on a person over 60, they run below 98.6, so 99.0 is lethal. Take their temp before the hot tub and increase it by 6-8 degrees if we want to get technical.
Dr. Schulze if you are a follower and not a critic, wants you to use common sense, there is no protocol for common sense. You either have it or you don't. If you need a babysitter for this program some of us are willing to be purchased at a price. Otherwise, watch the videos, read the books and do, do , do ! If your worried about your blood pressure, do another program!
I am a Registered Nurse and I will never willingly seek an md as long as I live. They caused me and my Father more problems than either of us needed. I told my Dad, those drugs do not prolong life. It's about feeling good in the end and not like "Crap" my Fathers words. He stopped everything in Dec. he died in Feb. He died well. He felt good! This program is about dying good! Is your blood pessure high or low? Who cares? How do you feel? How do you feel? Again, How do you feel?
I recently got the pure pleasure of watching an automatic defibrillator in action. BP 80/40 pt unresponsive and suddenly he just jerks, by the time we put him to bed he jerked 8-10 times. The man wants to die, his daughter is ill and also would prefer this..........such a dilemma? TEchnology! My staff says he does this 7-10 times per week, a dying man that can not die! How horrible He is 88 years old, his wife recenlt died and he wants to. Whatever do we do? Put a magnet on his chest? or just slow it down?........who care about low blood pressure we can always raiseit!