I just noticed that the Cure Zone has no medical marijuana debate or
Support Forums .
So lets do it right here!
Marijuana IS medicine. It was medicine long before it was a crime.
No discussion of "cannabis", the pre-propaganda word for it, can be complete without including the role of the pharmaceuticals - it was the drug companies that supported the prohibition proponents, it was them that got the ball rolling. They did it by promising to support these pundits for other issues, and tagged the pot laws on with them. Cannibus prohibition was never really debated in congress, and Canada just went along with it.
Pharmaceuticals know they stand to lose a lot of their income if pot were allowed to be used. Pot has many medical uses, and its not "just being stoned and then you don't mind so much", its real medicine that actually affects real changes in the body, like lowering occular pressure to the perfect balance [for glaucoma]. I could have many more examples here if I took the time to look them up.
Cannabis has the ability to 'regulate' several bodily processes so that they are 'right'.
Another way that cannabis works for many conditions beyond the physical properties is misunderstood because we don't believe in magic.
Pot has the ability to allow us to "placebo" almost any effect. If you want a headache to go away, have a toke and "let it" do the job - don't demand it, do't be measuring it, just let it, but ask of it, like prayer. Same for indigestion, and and pains like low-back pain. [Non-appetite seems to get regulated without any request]
The patient has to be educated or at least aware that this ability is there, that it is a partnership between the plan and your mind, and then you are able to simply "ask it" to do what you want done. This sounds magical, and it is, But it works. This aspect has been 'propagandised' completely away from what people can believe anymore, but its true. So its much more than getting relief simply by being so zonkers that you don't notice it - its the opposite of masking it, its being aware of your pain and "directing" the medicine there. The body is allready set up for this kind of complex reaction, thats how it works normally.
personal note:
I had low back pain for years, and when its real bad and constant, pot only helps a little. years later, after I got rid of the causes of the back pain [my job, stopping the heavy lifting], and it became "less enraged" and whenever I had those temporary attacks of low back pain, I found that a tole or two would relieve it COMPLETELY. I did this just last week - riding my bike, my back started 'tightening up'. I had a toke and within minutes it was gone, completely. I finished my ride without further problems! {And no, i didn't feel impaired, it was a nice ride.
There is much more to say about medical marijuana, but the way it works as medicine is the most mis-understood aspect to it. If you ask the average user about this, they won't know about it, and would likely be skeptical. This is why medical marijuana needs education, to undo the errors wrought by propaganda and get back to looking at it positively, to find its potential usefullness. We don't do that with pot, we do the opposite, a "directive" handed to all of us by the prohibition side to see it as a negative.
Karlin, medical marijauna advocate.