Andreas Moritz
Dear Sadru,
I am not sure what type of liver cleanses you have done, but with chronic backache and rheumatoid arthritis to release just a "some" stones during each cleanse isn't sufficient to bring about a major relief. These conditions show that there are many thousand stones in the liver and gallbladder, or at least one very large stone in the gallbladder.
I have had cases where people with chronic pain released a large 2-inch calcfied gallstone during their 9th, 1oth or 16th cleanse and suddenly became pain-free for good. If there is a larger stone in your gallbladder that hasn't been released yet you may want to use Chanca Piedra extract for 2-3 months (20 drops three times per day) to help break it down, and then attempt another cleanse. There are some other things to consider that can make the cleanse more successful (see The Amazing Liver Cleanse,
Regarding your diet, being on a vegetarian diet does not necessarily mean it is very suportive of your condition. For example, if you use milk or dairy products, eggs, fish, etc., you may trigger strong inflammatory reactions in the body. I suggest to follow Pitta-reducing guidelines and a diet to support this body type, as outlined in my book The Key to Health and Rejuvenation. By reading this book, you will also be able to identify and remove any other causes for your condition.
With kind regards