Both my kids now 21 and 18 have suffered from severe
Acne since early teens. We bought and tried everything and if it did work it was temporary or their face felt like it was frying during each application. My sister gets expensive facials from a salon and she was discussing the kids problem. They suggested Lavender oil 1/3 to 2/3 part witch hazel. It worked! Both my kids use it daily, apply it with a cotton ball on clean skin. ***Important*** The lavender oil has a drying affect make sure to use a moisturizer or your body will produce more oil tryng to make up for it. We have gotten the lavender oil at our local health food store.
I have a question for other posters to this forum. Both kids and several other family members suffer from Karatosis Pilaris. These are unsightly red bumbs on upper arms, thighs and butt. It is believed to be hereditary. Do you suffer from this as well and do you have friends or family members that do?