3 steps 3 minutes process for a wonderful, shiny, new look
1. Cleansing – Apply cleanser to fingertips then to face and remove gently with cotton wool--be careful not to drag the skin. Rinse well with warm water. Clean by patting gently on the face with your palms. Use creamy cleanser for dry skin. Use an oil-free formula cleanser for oily skin.
2. Toning – Apply toner to cotton wool and wipe over face gently. Careful toning will help close pores and soften the appearance of facial lines. Toning also remove traces of dirt. Use an alcohol-free toner for all skin types. Don’t use alcohol-based toners.
3. Moisturizing - Choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type is very important as is the way that it is applied – avoid using too much in one application. Keep in mind a little goes a long way. A small amount spread thinly over the face and neck is all that is required. Moisturizing puts moisture back on the face that was removed during cleansing stage. It protects the skin from moisture loss and prevents damage from the environment.
*** Please apply 2 times a day (Morning and Evening) and you will notice a new and beautiful you.***