You seems to be one of those people who has been brainwashed by pharmaceutical propaganda, PRs that wants people to believe that pills created during the last 30-50 years can do a better job then human body that has been created during the last 10 millions od years.
Any foreign hormones introduced into human body orraly or by any other means can only bring imbalance on the long run, and can negatively affect mecanisms that are responsible for keeping your hormones in perfect harmony.
Forget everything you think you know, and start
cleansing and
reading good books where you will learn the truth and all you need to know about human body.
The worst place to learn about health are health magazines, newspapers, movies, TV and other mass-media, because mass-media is ready to seel itself for money, and that is exactly what big business needs to be able to manipulate you!
Start learning, and start reading, knowledge is healing!