I've been battling this almost a year now. Several dermatologists have cultured the spots on my head and all results come back negative (no bacterial growth). Taking Tetracycline helps to reduce number of spots but not completely so I decided a month ago to stop taking it altogether and see what happens. It hasn't been too bad. In your 7 years of dealing with it what have you learned? Have you been told why it happens? All I was told was that "some people just get sterile folliculitis on their head. If
Antibiotics help, take them, if there is no difference, then don't bother." My problem started when I had to take strong
Antibiotics for a GI problem, then developed a staph infection on my skin. That cleared up but my scalp flared suddenly. Repeated nasal cultures are negative for staph as are immediate family members. Could this be an allergy to a shampoo or to all the
Antibiotics they had me on for so long? Any advice would be appreciated. Not many people seem to have this and I am just trying to learn more about it. Thanks.