Google tries to make it hard to save this file, and the download takes forever. But you can save a copy with a little effort and replay at will.
First log on to the google site and click to download the video.Once the video begins to play, hit pause and live your life as if nothing were wrong. It took nearly 3 hours to download over my cable connection. Once the download is complete,
Click "Tools" in the IE task bar.
Click "Internet Options"
In the "Temporary Internet Files" section, Click "Settings"
In "Settings" Click "View Files"
This will bring up a list of Files, Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and look for a file marked "videodownload", the file will be 434Mb or close, Right click to highlight the file.
Click "Edit" in the IE task bar and click "Copy to folder" and copy the file to a new folder eg Desktop. You will end up with a file called: DrBobBeckvideolectur[1].flv.
Download the free FLV player from:
, Install it, and view the file.
Be sure to send an Email to Russ at SOTA and thank him for making this available.